Free Read The Care and Feeding of Waspish Widows by Olivia Waite (Goodreads Author) - ZOJ

In this historical f/f romance youll find:?a grumpy widowed engraver working far too hard to keep her print-shop going until her son is old enough to take over ?a middle-aged lady beekeeper who goes striding about in trousers and loves bucolic poetry ?a Queen on trial in Parliament and the press ?luxuriant English gardens with extremely naughty statues ?satiricalIn this historical f/f romance youll find:?a grumpy widowed engraver working far too hard to keep her print-shop going until her son is old enough to take over ?a middle-aged lady beekeeper who goes striding about in trousers and loves bucolic poetry ?a Queen on trial in Parliament and the press ?luxuriant English gardens with extremely naughty statues ?satirical ballads about tight pants ?? and more than you probably ever wanted to know about early 19th century beekeeping!(less)
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