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A riotous collection of witty and captivating (Bitch Magazine) essays by a gay Filipino immigrant in America learning that everything is about sex--and sex is about powerWhen Matt Ortile moved from Manila to Las Vegas the locals couldn't pronounce his name. Harassed as a kid for his brown skin accent and femininity he believed he could belong in America by marryingA riotous collection of witty and captivating (Bitch Magazine) essays by a gay Filipino immigrant in America learning that everything is about sex--and sex is about powerWhen Matt Ortile moved from Manila to Las Vegas the locals couldn't pronounce his name. Harassed as a kid for his brown skin accent and femininity he believed he could belong in America by marrying a white man and shedding his Filipino identity. This was the first myth he told himself. The Groom Will Keep His Name explores the various tales Ortile spun about what it means to be a Vassar Girl an American Boy and a Filipino immigrant in New York looking to build a home.As we meet and mate we tell stories about ourselves revealing not just who we are but who we want to be. Ortile recounts the relationships and whateverships that pushed him to confront his notions of sex power and the model minority myth. Whether swiping on Grindr analyzing DMs or cruising steam rooms Ortile brings us on his journey toward radical self-love with intelligence wit and his heart on his sleeve.(less)
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